9V Regulator Power supply (Stabilizer)



With your home refrigerators, you must have seen a small machine called a stabilizer. If you are new to electronics, then you just didn’t know that stabilizers are basically used to protect heavy machines from under or overvoltages. Hence, it is there with refrigerators and other different machines. But, these are the AC stabilizers that handle the alternating current. However, today in this tutorial, we are going to make a “9V Regulator Power supply (Stabilizer)”.

Thus, we are going to use a 723 voltage regulator IC for our project It comprises 14 pins including pin 6 which is a voltage reference source, and pin 4 which is an error amplifier with its inverting input. Also, it has a non-inverting input at pin 5, a series pass transistor at pins 10, and 11, and a current limiting transistor at pin 2 and pin 3. The IC works as both positive and negative voltage regulators. And can give an output voltage ranging from 2V to 37V.

Hardware Required

2.Power Transistor2N30551
3.Variable Resistor1K1
4.Capacitor2200uF/25V, 470pF1, 1
5.Resistor2.7K, 750R, 10R1, 1, 1

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

In this 9V Regulator Power supply we are creating regulated DC output from unregulated input DC supply, the excellent linear regulator ic 723 is used in this circuit. We have created this with a few components like a capacitor, transistor, and resistor. You can get a different level of output DC by varying variable resistor R3 that is there near the regulated DC output terminal.

Application and Uses

  • It is used to protect the devices from over and under-voltages.
  • It maintains voltages within a certain limit.