80C52 CPU with 256×8 RAM – Datasheet


80C52 CPU with 256×8 RAM is a high-performance CMOS ROM, OTP, EPROM, and ROM are fewer versions of the 80C51 CMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller. The TS80C52 retains all features of the TEMIC 80C51 with extended ROM/EPROM capacity (8 Kbytes), 256 bytes of internal RAM, a 6-source, 4-level interrupt system, an on-chip oscillator, and three timer/ counters. In addition, the 80C52 has a dual data pointer, a more versatile serial channel that facilitates multiprocessor communication (EUART), and an X2 speed improvement mechanism.

80C52 Pinout

80C52 Pin Configuration

Pin NumberPin NameDescription
1-8P1.0-P1.7 Port 1
9RST Reset
10P3.0/RXD Port 3.0 / Serial Receive Pin
11P3.1/TXD Port 3.1 / Serial Transmit Pin
12P3.2/INT0 Port 3.2 / Interrupt 0 (Active Low)
13P3.3/INT1 Port 3.3 / Interrupt 1 (Active Low)
14P3.4/T0 Port 3.4 / Timer 0
15P3.5/T1 Port 3.5 / Timer 1
16P3.6/WR Port 3.6 / Write (Active Low)
17P3.7/RD Port 3.7 / Read (Active Low)
18XTAL2 Crystal Input
19XTAL1 Crystal Input
20Vss Ground
21-28P2.0-P2.7 Port 2
29PSEN Program Store Enable (Active Low)
30ALE Address Latch Enable
31EA External Memory Enable (Active Low)
32-39P0.7-P0.1 Port 0
40Vcc Positive Supply

80C52 Key Features

  • 8051 pin and instruction compatible
  • Four 8-bit I/O ports
  • Three 16-bit timer/counters
  • 256 bytes scratchpad RAM
  • Dual Data Pointer
  • On-chip ROM/EPROM (8K-bytes)
  • Programmable Clock Out and Up/Down Timer/ Counter 2
  • Asynchronous port reset

You can download this datasheet for 80C52 CPU with 256×8 RAM – Datasheet from the link given below: