8032 CPU with 256×8 RAM – Datasheet


The 8032 CPU with 256×8 RAM is optimized for control applications. Byte-processing and numerical operations on small data structures are facilitated by a variety of fast addressing modes for accessing the internal RAM. The instruction set provides a convenient menu of 8-bit arithmetic instructions, including multiply and divides instructions. Extensive on-chip support is provided for one-bit variables as a separate data type, allowing direct bit manipulation and testing in control and logic systems that require Boolean processing.

8032 Pinout

8032 Pin Configuration

Pin NumberPin NameDescription
1-8P1.0-P1.7 Port 1
9RST Reset
10P3.0/RXD Port 3.0 / Serial Receive Pin
11P3.1/TXD Port 3.1 / Serial Transmit Pin
12P3.2/INT0 Port 3.2 / Interrupt 0 (Active Low)
13P3.3/INT1 Port 3.3 / Interrupt 1 (Active Low)
14P3.4/T0 Port 3.4 / Timer 0
15P3.5/T1 Port 3.5 / Timer 1
16P3.6/WR Port 3.6 / Write (Active Low)
17P3.7/RD Port 3.7 / Read (Active Low)
18XTAL2 Crystal Input
19XTAL1 Crystal Input
20Vss Ground
21-28P2.0-P2.7 Port 2
29PSEN Program Store Enable (Active Low)
30ALE Address Latch Enable
31EA External Memory Enable (Active Low)
32-39P0.7-P0.1 Port 0
40Vcc Positive Supply

8032 Key Features

  • High-Performance HMOS Process
  • Internal Timers/Event Counters
  • 2-Level interrupt Priority Structure
  • 32 1/0 Lines (Four 8-Bit Ports)
  • 64K External Program Memory Space
  • Security Feature Protects EPROM Parts Against Software Piracy
  • Boolean Processor
  • Bit-Addressable RAM
  • Programmable Full Duplex Serial Channel


  • Optimized for control application

You can download this datasheet for 8032 CPU with 256×8 RAM – Datasheet from the link given below: