801S Sound Vibration Sensor Module


In recent years, we have seen various methods of generating electrical signals. Maybe the idea is to generate the electrical signal as cheaply as possible. Electricity from vibration is one of those methods. Vibration Energy generation is the thought of converting vibration energy into electrical energy. And, designers have made sensors for this purpose. Some of the popular sensors are Comprise piezo sensors that have transducers in them. This article is about one of those sensors.

An Overview of 801S Vibration Sensor

The 801S Vibration sensor is a micro shock-detecting sensor that works by changing its resistance when it detects any shock or vibration.

Hardware Overview

The 801S vibration sensor module includes two chips as its major component; 801S and an LM393 comparator. The module has a potentiometer to set a threshold value for the output signal or to adjust the sensitivity. The sensor has four pins of which two are power pins and the other two are for the output signal.

Working of the Sensor

This 801S vibration sensor module is a piezoelectric sensor. It comprises a transducer that transforms mechanical energy produced by vibration sound or any change in motion to an output of the electrical signal. We know this principle as the piezoelectric effect. This sensor also monitors the changes in acceleration, temperature, pressure, and force and transforms them into an electrical signal.

Features and Specifications of 801S Vibration Sensor


  • Micro Shock detecting
  • Non-direction limited
  • 60,000,000 times
  • Shock guarantee (special gold alloy plated)
  • The low-cost circuits can adjust Sensitivity.


  • Size: 20mm* 32mm *11mm
  • the main chip: LM393, 801S
  • work voltage: DC 5V
  • with the signal output instructions;
  • with analog and TTL level signal output;
  • the output valid signal is high, the light goes out;
  • sensitivity adjustable (fine tuning);
  • vibration detection range, non-directional;
  • with mounting holes, firmware installation is flexible and convenient.


Pin NamePin Description
VDDVoltage Input pin
GNDGround terminal
D0Digital Signal Output pin
A0Analog Signal Output pin

Applications of 801S Vibration Sensor

Gas Turbines

We commonly consider vibration measurements to be a sound indicator of a machine’s monitoring in gas turbines. The principle behind using vibration data is that when there is any fault, the system dynamics get changed. Hence the system uses vibration sensors.

Alarm and Security System

When any vibration sound occurs, these systems help to warn by beeping the buzzers connected. Thus, these systems use vibration sensors to detect the vibration or motion.

Shock Detection

This system helps to provide early warnings of landslides shocks. uses a vibration sensor with a microcontroller. thus, it read data from the vibration sensor and then transmits that information through a Wi-Fi module. The system transmits data through the WIFI network to the server automatically when there is an exceeding threshold value.