74LS195 Universal 4-Bit Shift Register IC | Datasheet


The SN54/ 74LS195 is a high-speed 4-Bit Universal Shift Register offering typical shift frequencies of 39 MHz. It is useful for a wide variety of registers and counting applications. It utilizes the Schottky diode clamped process to achieve high speeds and is fully compatible with all Motorola TTL products. The 74LS195 IC output always comes in TTL which makes it easy to work with other TTL devices and microcontrollers. The IC 74LS195 is smaller in size and it has a much faster speed which makes it reliable in every kind of device.

What is a Universal Shift Register?

Universal Shift registers are an integral part of digital memory circuitry usually found in devices such as calculators, computers, and data processing systems. With a universal shift register, data or bits can be entered into the system in a serial or parallel manner. Data entry using 74LS195 is usually done from one direction, and as more data is added, it shifts positions until the data gets to the output end. The two ends are referred to as the left and right end. The movement of data can be from left to right, from right to left, or in both directions to make a bidirectional shift register.

74LS195 Pinout

74LS195 Pin Description

Pin No.Pin NameDescription
1MR’Active Low Master Reset Input
2JFirst stage J Input
3K’Active Low First Stage K Input
4P0Parallel Data Input P0
5P1Parallel Data Input P1
6P2Parallel Data Input P2
7P3Parallel Data Input P3
8GNDGround Pin
9PE’Active Low Parallel Enable Input
10CPClock Pulse Input
11Q3′Complementary Last Stage Output
12Q3Parallel Output Q3
13Q2Parallel Output Q2
14Q1Parallel Output Q1
15Q0Parallel Output Q0
16VccChip Supply Voltage

74LS195 Key Features & Specifications

  • Typical Shift Right Frequency of 39 MHz
  • Asynchronous Master Reset
  • Operating Voltage (Nom): 5V
  • Operating Temperature Range: 0C to + 70 C
  • J, K Inputs to the First Stage
  • Fully Synchronous Serial or Parallel Data Transfers
  • Input Clamp Diodes Limit High-Speed Termination Effects
  • Available in 16-pin PDIP, GDIP, and PDSO packages


  • Shift-left/right registers
  • Sequence generation circuits
  • Memory Defragmentation Circuits used in system repair

You can download this Datasheet For 74LS195 Universal 4-Bit Shift Register IC Datasheet from the link given below:

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