The M27C64A is a 64Kbit EPROM offered in the two ranges UV (ultra violet erase) and OTP (one-time programmable). It is ideally suited for microprocessor systems requiring large programs and is organized as 8,192 by 8 bits. The PDIP28W has a transparent lid that allows the user to expose the chip to ultraviolet light to erase the bit pattern. A new pattern can then be written to the device by following the programming procedure. For applications where the content is programmed only on time and erasure is not required, the M27C64A is offered in the PLCC32 package.
27C64 Pinout
27C64 Pin Configuration
Pin Number | Pin No | Description |
1 | VPP | Programming Supply |
2 | A12 | Address Input |
3 | A7 | Address Input |
4 | A6 | Address Input |
5 | A5 | Address Input |
6 | A4 | Address Input |
7 | A3 | Address Input |
8 | A2 | Address Input |
9 | A1 | Address Input |
10 | A0 | Address Input |
11 | Q0 | Data Output |
12 | Q1 | Data Output |
13 | Q2 | Data Output |
14 | Vss | Ground |
15 | Q3 | Data Output |
16 | Q4 | Data Output |
17 | Q5 | Data Output |
18 | Q6 | Data Output |
19 | Q7 | Data Output |
20 | E’ | Chip Enable |
21 | A10 | Address Input |
22 | G/Vpp | Output Enable/Program Supply |
23 | A11 | Address Input |
24 | A9 | Address Input |
25 | A8 | Address Input |
26 | NC | No Connection |
27 | P’ | Programming Pin |
28 | Vcc | Positive Power Supply |
27C64 Key Features
- 5V ± 10% Supply Voltage in Read Operation
- Access Time: 100ns
- Low Power “CMOS” Consumption:
- Active Current 30mA
- Standby Current 100µA
- Programming Voltage: 12.5V ± 0.25V
- High Speed Programming
- (less than 1 minute)
- Electronics Signature
- Manufacturer Code: 9Bh
- Device Code: 08h
You can download this datasheet for 27C64 64K 150ns CMOS EPROM – Datasheet from the link given below: