12V to 9V Converter Circuit Using LM7809 Regulator IC


12V to 9V DC-DC converters are an important part of today’s electronics. They are commonly used for academic purposes & for the testing/ troubleshooting of small-scale electronics. So, in this project, we are going to build a simple 12V to 9V DC-DC Converter circuit using the LM7809 voltage regulator IC.

LM7809 regulator IC is a common but important part of many 9V power supply circuits. LM7809 is a 9V Voltage Regulator that restricts the voltage output to 9V and draws 9V regulated power supply. The LM7809 is the most common, as its regulated 9-volt supply provides a convenient power source for most TTL components. The LM7809 voltage regulator IC does not require any component to balance or saturate its output voltage.


Hardware Required

The following components are required to make a 12V to 9V Converter Circuit

1.Voltage regulator ICLM78091
2.Electrolytic Capacitors0.1uF, 1uF, 10uF, 1000uF1
3.DC Supply12V1
5.Connecting Wires1

LM7809 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of LM7809

12V to 9V Converter Circuit

Working Explanation

The working of this circuit is very simple. The heart of this circuit is an LM7809 voltage regulator IC. A DC input signal of 12V is taken from a DC power supply. This signal goes to smoothing capacitors C1 (1000uF/25V) & C2 (10uF/25V) to remove any residual noise before going onwards to the LM7809 voltage regulator IC.

The LM7809 IC produces a constant 9V DC signal. The output signal goes through smoothing capacitors C3 (1uF/16V) & C4 (0.1uF/16V) to remove any extra noise before moving on towards the output.


  • DC to DC power supplies is widely in use in low voltage applications such as charging batteries, automotive applications, aircraft applications, and other low voltage, low current applications.
  • Common use in applications such as test bench supply, trainer board supply, etc.