1.3V Power Supply Using 5V DC Input


A 1.3V power supply usually acts as a replacement power for mercury cells & other small DC batteries. They have their use in small devices such as multi-port adapters to various small-scale devices like digital thermometers & displays, So, in this project, we are going to design a 1.3V Power Supply Using 5V DC Input, by the application of sourcing power through a simple 5mm LED.

These type of low-voltage low current power supplies find their use in places where sensitive equipment is in play & a slight fluctuation or variation in the source voltage can decrease the life of the instrument or worse, damage the equipment beyond repair by normal means.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make a 1.3V Power Supply Circuit

5.DC Supply (PC or smartphone)5V1
7.Battery clips1
8.Connecting Wires

LED Pinout

led pinout

1.3V Power Supply Circuit

Working Explanation

This 1.3V power supply can serve as a replacement for the 1.3V Mercury Cell in any circuit. A 5V DC Supply Such as a laptop or PC usually serves as the input to this circuit. The 1.3V is sourced through a 5mm Red LED. On providing power to the circuit, the LED’s voltage drops between anode and cathode to about 1.9V, this level of voltage is too high for devices using mercury cells as a power source. So a 1N4148 diode is connected in series and the voltage drops from 1.9V to around 0.6V, the supply is then ideal to drive battery-powered peripherals.

This type of power supply is ideal for peripherals such as displays & digital thermometers, which are often with PC peripherals such as case-mounted USB connectors.


  • This power supply is suitable for devices such as digital multimeters, digital clocks, digital thermometers, etc.
  • Also function for devices such as digital displays for calculators & notification screens.